Debunking breast-feeding myths with Surbhi Agarwal

In a recent interview, Mommy influencer and blogger Surbhi Agarwal (mum_in_vogue) busts myths about breast feeding.
Becoming a parent is a challenging stage in life, which provokes feelings of both excitement and insecurity; parents strive to develop confidence in their parenting role. Amongst other worries, breast-feeding tops the list. We already know that breastfeeding is beneficial for the mother and the baby and it cannot be emphasized more. The process and experience of breastfeeding is a mystery to many.
Myth One: Babies naturally know how to breastfeed.
Although your baby is born with these natural instincts, they do not guarantee breastfeeding success. Breastfeeding has to be learned and practiced by both baby and mommy.
Myth Two – Eat only bland food while breastfeeding.
It’s applicable for only first few days. Mother can eat whatever she likes, bringing changes to her food slowly. Babies get accustomed to the taste,
Myth Three- Baby’s stomach is upset because of what Mom ate!
Not necessarily unless baby has some allergies that are diagnosed early. By the time the food mommy ate has been digested and used to make milk, the upsetting elements are already broken down and shouldn’t affect the baby.
Myth Four: You have to drink milk to make milk.
Drinking milk has little to do with a woman’s production of breast milk. Whether a mother drinks milk, has nothing to do with her breast milk supply. It is, however, important for the mother to remain hydrated with any form of liquid and consume a well-rounded, healthy diet. The body will draw the necessary nutrients from her body to add to her breast milk. If a mother is undernourished, she will become further undernourished while her body continues to supply the baby with nutrients.
Myth Five: There is no way to determine how much breast milk the baby is getting.
It is true that it’s difficult to determine the exact amount that a breastfed baby is getting, at any given feeding session. There are signs that the baby is getting enough milk, which can be measured by the weight gain and diaper output (urine and poop).
Myth Six : You should not breastfeed if you are taking medications.
Fact: This statement is not true. Taking a new or any medication while breastfeeding, should always involve the advice of your pediatrician and lactation consultant.
Myth Seven: Don’t wake a sleeping baby to breastfeed.
Fact: In order to create a regular breastfeeding routine and provide baby with the necessary energy, you need to wake up your sleeping baby. Unless your baby is older than three months and a well-established breast feeder, this statement is not true. In the days following birth, mothers need to wake their baby, provide them with nutrition and establish a feeding routine.
Lastly, just celebrate the glory of motherhood and if anyone questions you your capabilities ask them – I make milk, what’s your superpower??
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